In A Hammock - Sheet Music for Native American Flute [PDF]
This PDF download is the Native American flute sheet music to In A Hammock by Jonny Lipford. This song has been transcribed to Nakai Tablature by David Wood. The song was originally played on a F# minor flute.
You will find the following items in this pack.
- A version of sheet music in Nakai TAB (with and without embellishments).
- A PDF of “Key To Embellishments” that offers a description of the letters that you see by certain notes in the sheet music.
NOTE: The file is a compressed/zipped folder which you'll need to extract. Tutorials are available online if you need help. Files are in a PDF format which most devices will be able to open. If your device does not have a PDF Reader, you can download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat reader here: https://get.adobe.com/reader/
Watch this video below and subscribe to Jonny Lipford on YouTube!